War Age
Once a player advances to the War Age by upgrading Farm Castle , the player can station armies at the barracks by building barracks using the barracks NFT, the barrack will have an initial capacity of 10 which can be upgraded by upgrading Farm Castle and other ways to be declared on a later stage.
Armies can be used to fight in the dungeon to get rare NFT's , find resources and exclusive NFT's to unlock spaceship, fight against other player to win resources and exclusive rewards, defend farm against wild beasts, use to kill different planet wild beast to own the planet and start your civilization there. There will be many more features added in the forthcoming months.
1.Dungeon Raid
Once a player has an army, he can send his army to raid dungeons to win resources and rare NFTโs as reward, for raiding a dungeon a player has to have minimum 5 units in a party with a maximum of 10 units of which there must be a hero in the party.
There will be 10 types of heroes in the game with each having its own benefits Once you select the party and start the raid it will take some time for your party to return, the stronger your party the further level it can go in the dungeon and the time taken will also be more.
All Units will have a resting period before they can be used in the dungeon again.The unit killed has to be revived with food and water token. Heroes have auto heal features so they wonโt require food and water token and will be available after the resting period.
Once a player has an army, he can use his army to fight other players to win resources and exclusive NFT's.
You need a 5 army team to fight other player with a hero being compulsory.Once you select an army you can start battle. The winner will be decided based on stats of army, other boosts applied if any and hero ability bonuses.
All Units will have a resting period before they can be used again.The unit killed has to be revived with food and water token. Heroes have auto heal features so they wonโt require food and water token and will be available after the resting period.
3.Iron Ore Mining
For mining iron , you need a worker and a Iron mine NFT.Once you have a worker you can get Iron by asking the worker to dig Iron. Once the action is done you can claim Iron tokens.
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